Christmas Tat 2023

This has become something of a seasonal tradition at the Virtual Hot Tub: a celebration of the gaudy and tasteless at Christmas. Yes, this year I present to you more kitsch Christmas baubles, at a time of year when we’re surrounded by tat.

First up this year, a jar of peanut butter. Crunchy, of course – we have none of that smooth filth in this house.

Secondly, my daughter’s bauble from her own Christmas tree – a snail with a shiny finish. When she was about four years old, my daughter had a pet snail in the back yard that she called Slow Tim. So here’s Slow Tim’s festive brother.

I hope you enjoy these Christmas tree decorations, they certainly amused me!

May I wish you all, the valued readers of Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub, a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Thanks to you all for reading this blog, coming back time after time – I couldn’t do it without you.

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