Ron Coolen – Here to Stay Album Review

Ron Coolen – Here to Stay

Self released

Release date: 01/12/2023

Running time: 60 minutes

Review by: Alun Jones


Ron Coolen is a Dutch multi-instrumentalist with a passion for rock and metal. Working with vocalist Keith St John and with contributions from some amazing guitar wizards (George Lynch, Gus G and Christopher Amott to name just a few), we have here a new release that sounds contemporary, but also harks back to the glory days of 80’s metal.

With an opening track entitled ‘Heavy Metal Till I’m Dead’, it’s pretty obvious what we’re going to get. This song bursts out of the speakers, embellished with some furious shredding from Joey Concepcion, and I defy anyone not to raise the devil horns and sing along. It’s great fun, with ‘You’re Just a Bad Dream’ offering more of the same full-on energy. If you dig Van Halen, or any of the big stadium rock of the 80s, you’ll find plenty on here to enjoy (especially the VH style glory of ‘Shake Me to the Floor’).

My personal favourite song on “Here to Stay” is the start/stop ACDC-style riff of ‘Mr Jones’, though I don’t think this was written about me. Other tracks such as ‘Jaded Eyes’ offer a welcome change of pace, with an atmospheric feel that’s reminiscent of Sonic Temple era Cult.

I wasn’t sure whether I’d enjoy this particular release from Ron Coolen, but you’d have to be a cold-hearted ice demon not to be infected by the musicians’ reverence for metal. Some of the keyboards can grate a little, but the overall production is crisp and warm. Not all of the ideas work, but as a love letter to 80’s hard rock, it’s easy to enjoy. If you want to rock, then listening to “Here to Stay” is all you need to do, Ron Ron Ron. To do, Ron Ron.

Check out Ron Coolen on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Bandcamp and YouTube.

This review is a joint presentation from Platinum Al and Ever Metal.

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