District 13 – Album Review

District 13 – Step into the Fire


Release date: 20/10/2023

Running time: 66 minutes approx

Review by: Alun Jones


Back in October, London based heavy alt-rock band District 13 released “Step into the Fire”, their second album. Apologies District 13, this album has been hanging around for a little while. But in true Ever Metal “championing the underdog” style, we couldn’t let it slip by without a review. Not my fault for writing the review late for once, believe it or don’t. You don’t believe me, do you? Ah well, whatevs.

The prime motivators in District 13’s sound have been declared as Black Sabbath and The Ramones, two fine bands and exactly the type of thing that tickles my fancy. And it should yours, too. The crunchy metal riffs and gonzo punk attitude is obvious from the start, with opening track ‘Step into the Fire’ showing some hard rock guts and a big, hooky chorus.

‘Apologetic Trickster’ ups the punky pace somewhat, though there’s a vein of dark, melancholy longing running through all the tracks. One of the absolute highlights is ‘Burned out in Paradise’, which begins in an achingly morose fashion before bursting into an angst fuelled burner. If you dig Bleach era Nirvana, Therapy? and early QOTSA, I’m sure you’ll find something to love here: try ‘Emotive Addiction’ and ‘Red Flags’ for starters.

There’s plenty of melody mixed in with the ferocity. ‘Goodbye’ features a heart rending, uplifting chorus worthy of Seattle’s finest. That song and ‘Starry Eyes’ help to add texture to the album with a slower pace. The final song, the acoustic ‘Forever This Way’, is a really beautiful track that falls between Led Zep III, Bowie and REM. That one’ll melt your heart, if nothing else does.

“Step into the Fire” is definitely a solid album, full of great compositions and performances. My only complaint would be, with 14 songs running over an hour long, it’s a lot to take in. Trimming 3 or 4 songs off would make this feel more of a cohesive and easily absorbed album – though I wouldn’t like to be the one who had to decide which songs to drop. Otherwise, it’s great to hear music like this: District 13 have passion and ideas and are obviously not afraid to aim high.

Check out District 13 on their website, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Spotify.

This review is brought to you by Platinum Al and Ever Metal.

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