Big Balls

Adventures in Zorbing/Sphereing

Some call it Sphereing.  Some call it Zorbing.  Either way, it’s certainly not a load of old balls.

What this activity involves is being strapped inside a huge inflatable ball, which then rolls down a hill.  Something like being inside a huge hamster ball.   Although it doesn’t take much skill, it’s actually a lot of fun.  It’s like those times as a kid when your mates/local bullies rolled you down a hill in the park inside a dustbin, but more hygienic.  zorb

I tried Zorbing a few years back in Newquay.  The first couple of times were great fun – rolling down a huge hill, wondering if you’ll stop, gazing giddily as the sky rotates around your head.  The third time made my head start to thump.  The fourth time was definitely too much.

So I can definitely recommend at least two runs down the hill inside a sphere.  Crazy fun that will make you laugh out loud!

For those who are interested, there is apparently a reason for the change in name from Zorbing to Sphereing.

When I did my Zorb – sorry, Sphereing experience, the owner told us off for using the “z” word.  The reason, apparently, was because the fun term “Zorbing” had been corrupted by some unscrupulous bounder making the first ever Zorb porn film.  Henceforth, the activity was to be known as Sphereing, and Sphereing only.

I cannot confirm if this is true.  I’ve never Googled “zorb porn”.  I’ll leave that up to you.

Check out some deals on Zorbing/Sphereing on the Treatme website here.

Inside the Zorb

Inside the Zorb

Disclaimer: Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub is not responsible for any injuries you receive whilst participating in any of our featured activities.  You silly so and so.

Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub receives no remuneration/compensation from featured venues.  Unfortunately.