Wales Comic Con Strikes Back – part 2

Wales Comic Con

Saturday 23rd April to Sunday 24th April 2016

Glyndwr University, Wrexham

OK – so as I mentioned last time, I ended up with quite a few photos from Wales Comic Con.  Far too many for just one blog post.  So here’s part 2, featuring the remainder of pictures that I took.

Not much in the way of text this time – most of it was covered in the previous instalment.  Scroll down if you want to check that out.

So here you go – the second part of our adventures at Wales Comic Con in Wrexham…  IMG_20160424_134905083 IMG_20160424_134951100

At last November’s Wales Comic Con, my trusty Canon camera suffered a sudden, unexpected demise.  As a result, my recent photos have been taken on a little digital snappy camera and my phone.  Not ideal.  Now I don’t claim to be a great photographer, but a good camera has helped cover much of my inexperience.  I hope you can forgive some of these less than awesome pics and enjoy some of the fun of the day.

My thanks again to anyone who allowed me to take their photo at Wales Comic Con.  It’s really appreciated, and I hope you like the results.

Wales Comic Con was a real success yet again, in my opinion.  An enjoyable welcoming atmosphere, with very friendly guests.  I shared my last post on social media and the feedback was resoundingly positive, which was great.

So thanks again to all I encountered at Comic Con.  Your warmth and positivity made this event a fantastic experience!

The Wales Comic Con website is here.

Memorabilia NEC – Film Character Photos

One more set of photos from my last visit to Memorabilia at Birmingham NEC.  I apologise – what with Christmas and all, I haven’t had chance to post these previously.

Earlier posts have showcased photos of Memorabilia punters dressed up as characters from comic books and television.  This set of shots features film based characters.  There are many more brave people dressed up at Memorabilia, far more than I’ve captured in this series of photos.  Good luck to them, I say.

By the way – there are plenty more Star Wars photos from previous trips to Memorabilia.  Stay tuned!

Thanks to everyone at Birmingham NEC Memorabilia who posed for photos – all were very happy to do so.