Singles Night at the Virtual Hot Tub #33

Yeah, it’s that time again! Time for another Singles Night at my Virtual Hot Tub. These nights are always huge amounts of fun, with some rockin’, some ripe cheese and some surprises. Plus the occasional dud, just to keep me on my toes.

Recap time, for the newbies: Singles Night is all about digging into my collection of 7 inch singles, which have come into my possession from various sources. I play through the pile, one after the other, A side then B side. There’s all sorts of genres and styles in that pile and sometimes the unexpected CAN happen.

So grab the’sen a drink (I recommend the booze) and let’s see what we get in this pile of 45rpm glory…

  1. Royal Blood – “Limbo” / “All We Have is Now”
  2. The Cult – “Spiritwalker” / “A Flower in the Desert”
  3. Zodiac Mindwarp & The Love Reaction – “Planet Girl” / “Dog Face Driver”
  4. Slade – “Mama Weer All Crazee Now” / “Man Who Speaks Evil”
  5. Kevin The Gerbil – “Summer Holiday” / “Hawaiian Holiday”
  6. Boney M – “Belfast” / “Plantation Boy”
  7. Elton John – “Part Time Love” / “Cry at Night”
  8. Chas & Dave w/ Rockney – “Strummin'” / “I’m in Trouble”
  9. Showaddywaddy – “Rock’n’Roll Lady” / “I’m a Traveller”
  10. Suzi Quatro – “She’s in Love with You” / “Space Cadets”
  11. Chuck Berry – “My Ding-A-Ling” / “Let’s Boogie”
  12. Queen – “Hammer to Fall” / “Tear It Up”
  13. Def Leppard – “Animal” / “Tear it Down”
  14. Queen – “I’m Going Slightly Mad” / “The Hitman”
  15. Gary Moore – “Parisienne Walkways” / “Fanatical Fascists”
  16. Music from ‘The Sting’ ft. Marvin Hamlisch on piano – “The Entertainer” / “Solace”
  17. Showaddywaddy – “Heartbeat” / “Lucy Jane”
  18. David Soul – “Silver Lady” / “Rider”
  19. Frank Sinatra – “I Believe I’m Gonna Love You” / “The Only Couple on the Floor”
  20. Hot Chocolate – “You Sexy Thing” / “A Warm Smile”

Who wants to guess the lamest track of the bunch? If you guessed Kevin the Gerbil’s song, you’d be dead wrong! I’m a lifelong Roland Rat Fan and anything from his world is golden to me. In actual fact, there’s noting awfully cheesy on that last – certainly not Chas & Dave or Showaddywaddy, either.

Starting off bang up to date with a great single from Royal Blood, the rock genre delivered the goods with bangers from The Cult, Zodiac Mindwarp, Queen and Def Leppard. I’ve only just noticed that Queen wanted us to “Tear It Up” whilst the Lepps wanted us to “Tear it Down” – crazy!

Talking of crazy, I love Slade and that single was a gift from my pal Greeny at his wedding (it was number 1 when I was born). A happy addition to the collection.

Another fun night, it got a bit hazy with the beverages piling up. I’ll keep you posted with more of these soon.

Oh, and one more thing: RIP David Soul.

Dopelord – Album Review

Dopelord – Songs for Satan

Blues Funeral Recordings

Release date: 06/10/2023

Running time: 39 minutes

Review by: Alun Jones


Poland’s mighty Dopelord return with a humongously heavy album of slow rolling, occult driven doom on “Songs for Satan”.  Released via Blues Funeral Recordings, they’re celebrating the work of Lucifer in their temple of stoner sludge, and you’re invited.  Throw on your hooded robes and join the throng! 

Of course the songs are slow and heavy, and Dopelord manage to stamp their mark on the stoner-doom template by adding melody to their powerful, drawn out compositions.  Whilst the music rumbles along demonically, the vocals add a surprising, idiosyncratic sheen.  ‘Night of the Witch’ is executed in perfect, scuzzy doom style.  ‘Evil Spell’ is skull crushingly heavy, but both tracks feature sing along choruses that will steal your soul as well.

It’s difficult to get all the lyrical intent on this album without a lyric sheet, but it’s safe to say that the message here is a direct and scathing criticism of the Catholic church in Dopelord’s home country.  Whereas many a doom band is content to revel in Hammer Horror/Dennis Wheatley themes, Dopelord have taken this typical 1970s influence and added a real-world attack on religion too.

The album is book-ended by instrumentals, the latter of which, ‘Return to the Night of the Witch’, comfortably re-establishes “Songs for Satan” in the dreamlike, mellotron-soaked occult realm.  It’s a fine album, melding inexorable, fuzzy doom with themes of devil worship and hellfire.  Dopelord’s latest is genuinely well crafted, spell binding stuff.  I wouldn’t bother sending them a Christmas card, though.

Check out Dopelord on Facebook, Instagram, Spotify and Bandcamp.

This review is presented by Platinum Al in association with Ever Metal.

UK Subs – Jet Age Review

UK Subs – 2006 – 2016 The Jet Age

Cherry Red Records

Release date: 25/08/2023

Running time: 5 CDs – 220 mins approx

Review by: Alun Jones


Welcome back, folks, to Platinum Al’s Punk Rock Corner, here at Ever Metal HQ.  The eagle eyed and elephant brained amongst you will recall that we’ve already reviewed some of these UK Subs albums, although that was in their delicious vinyl form.  This time around, our mates at Cherry Red have lovingly curated a 5 CD set of Subs albums, together with a healthy bunch of bonus tracks to make this a tantalising package.

We’ve already discussed, in previous reviews, how UK Subs mastermind Charlie Harper has overseen an alphabetical run of albums with titles from A to Z.  This compilation gathers together the final parts of that run, from W to Z (though to be honest, these Subs nutters didn’t even stop at Z, they kept going).  Thus, listeners are gifted with an indispensable collection that covers output from the exceptionally strong line up of Harper, Jet Taniguchi, Alvin Gibbs and Jamie Oliver (not that one).

I’d be a pretentious fool if I didn’t tackle these albums in alphabetical/chronological order, so let’s jump in with “Work in Progress”.  This is probably my favourite of all the albums in this collection, though accepting the high standard on offer, I have no reason why.  It’s a rambunctious bundle of high-speed punk rock: ‘Creation’, ‘All Blurs into One’; coupled with clever ventures into rockabilly (‘Eighteen Wheels’) and more.  The wonderful ‘Hell is Other People’ has become something of a personal anthem for me, and it will for you, too!  This disc includes seven bonus tracks, comprising some old Subs classics and new bruisers such as the joyously MC5 sounding ‘666 Yeah’.    

From W we’re on to X, with “XXIV” – and more fast’n’furious punk rock shenanigans with ‘Implosion 77’, ‘Monkeys’ and ‘Momento Mori’ – just for example.  The Subs aren’t afraid to go off tangent with the jangly acoustic guitar with attitude of ‘Coalition Government Blues’ and R&B energy of ‘Wreckin’ Ball’.  There’s just one bonus track this time, the riotous and righteous co-operative anthem of ‘Workers Beer Company’, rounding off another solid and varied album.

“Yellow Leader” may or not have been written concerning a certain political party leader, you’ll have to listen and decide for yourself.  What I do know is that this album kicks off in supreme style with the frenetic pace of ‘Sick Velveteen’, bouncy thump of ‘Artificial’ and blues punk of ‘Bordeaux Red’.  ‘Chemical’ sounds almost metal, ‘Rebellion Song’ is an acoustic punk protest song and ‘Sin City Blues’ throws in some welcome Rockabilly, creating another multi-faceted and accomplished recording. 

Eventually, Charlie and the lads completed their mission from A to Z, with the monster that is “Ziezo”.  The end may be in sight, but the UK Subs don’t take their foot off the gas – as proven by tracks such as ‘Oligarchy’, ‘Banksy’ and ‘This Machine’ fulfilling the full throttle end of the punk rock promise.  The pallet is embellished by the punk-blues of ‘Disclosure’ and jaunty ska of ‘City of the Dead’, delivering a fine album that’s accomplished and enjoyable.

So we’ve reached the end of the alphabet, kids – but that’s not quite the end of our story here.  The set also includes “Acoustic XXIV”, an album comprising of acoustic tracks that were originally packaged with a limited edition version of “XXIV”.  I had assumed the songs here would merely be acoustic versoins of songs from that parent album, but far from it.  There are 13 songs making a surprisingly great change of pace.  Comprising of folk punk (‘Sleeping Rough’)’ and protest songs (‘Stop Global War’), it’s an accomplished and satisfying listen in it’s own right.  I could image Johnny Cash having a go at ‘Higher Tide’, and I think that’s some compliment indeed.

Who would’ve guessed that the UK Subs would actually fulfil their aim and complete this bonkers endeavour, releasing an album for every letter of the alphabet?  Punk rock wasn’t supposed to burn this brightly for so long, but it has.  What’s more, the UK Subs haven’t let their standards slip – these final albums in the run are as strong as anything they’ve released in their long career.  Genuinely brilliant.  Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you – UK SUBS.

Try and keep up with UK Subs on the web, Facebook and Twitter.

This review is presented by Platinum Al in co-operation with Ever Metal.

Singles Night at the Virtual Hot Tub #32

Here we go again, my little Hot Tub amigos! Yes it’s time for another Singles Night at Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub – grab a cocktail and jump right in, we’ve got some listening to do!

Do I really need to explain what we’re up to, here? OK, well very quickly then: I have a pile of 7 inch singles that I’ve acquired from various places, all of different artists and genres. On Singles Night, I play through a stack of ’em in order, A side then B side, and we go on a musical odyssey.

Sound like fun? Well it is. Drink up and let’s rock with this latest selection:

  1. The Cult – “She Sells Sanctuary” / “No. 13”
  2. Iron Maiden – “Infinite Dreams (Live)” / “Killers (Live)”
  3. Rod Stewart – “Lost in You” / “Almost Illegal”
  4. Steve Miller Band – “Rock’n’Me” / “The Window”
  5. Bob Marley & The Wailers – “Mr Chatterbox” / “Mr Chatterbox (Version)”
  6. Wizzard – “Rock’n’Roll Winter (Loony’s Tune)” / “Dream of Unwin”
  7. Hot Chocolate – “A Child’s Prayer” / “Everything Should Be Funky”
  8. Mud – “Show Me You’re a Woman” / “Don’t You know”
  9. Bay City Rollers – “I Only Wanna Be With You” / “Rock’n’Roller”
  10. The Kartoon Krew – “Inspector Gadget” / “Inspector Gadget Dub”
  11. Snap! – “The Power” / “The Power (Dub)”
  12. Nicole – ” A Little Peace” / “Thank You, Mercy”
  13. Bob Marley & The Wailers – “Stir It Up (Alt. Jamaican Version)” / “Stir It Up (Alt. Jamaican Instrumental)”
  14. Katrina & The Waves – “Walking on Sunshine” / “Going Down to Liverpool”
  15. Hot Chocolate – “Disco Queen” / “You’re a Natural High”
  16. UK Subs – “She’s Not There” / “Kicks” / “Victim” / “The Same Thing”
  17. Run DMC – “Walk This Way” / “Walk This Way (Instrumental)”
  18. Iron Maiden – “Run to the Hills” / “Total Eclipse”
  19. The Nolans – “Attention to Me” / “Old Feelings Again”
  20. Chas & Dave – “Gertcha” / “The Banging in Your Head”

Another twenty 45 rpm slabs of varying quality there, but I’m not including Katrina (great song!) or Chas & Dave (who can do no wrong) in the dodgy list.

We started with possibly my favourite song of all time, the wonderful “She Sells Sanctuary”. Love that tune. I never had the 7″ as a kid, I bought the 12″ as it had an extra track on it, as I was always obsessed with collecting B sides. That was in 1989, however, well after the single was originally released in ’85.

Other highlights included a double dose of Iron Maiden, a UK Subs EP and the classic Run DMC single “Walk This Way”. Not to mention a couple of very cool Bob Marley singles, both of which were Record Store Day purchases.

As I said, Singles Night is always a journey, from well known paths to the very different excursions. I can recommend it as a fun evening.

I really should do this more often.

Pentre Fest 2023

Pentre Fest 2023

McLean’s Pub, Pentre, Deeside

Saturday 25th February 2023

A weekend of full on metal and hard rock, Pentre Fest is a highlight of my musical calendar. Held at McLean’s pub in Pentre, Deeside, North Wales over two days, the event always showcases some of the best bands from around a vast area of the UK.

This year I missed Friday’s gig as I was otherwise engaged. However, I was raring to go for Day 2, and a whole load of awesome music. Here’s my review for Ever Metal, covering everything I could of that day’s entertainment.

Day 2

Day 2 at Pentre fest – you could say I was a bit excited to get going.  The ever-reliable Edd Case was performing in the marquee outside as I arrived, so I missed a chunk of his set sadly, as I paid my hard earned coin to get in and neck my first ale.  Luckily, Edd did another slot of his excellent acoustic performance later on, so I got to catch him then.  I think he was filling in for some band called Trashatouille, who couldn’t be arsed to turn up and attempt to play their own acoustic effort.


First band on the indoor main stage was Scarfoot, and they made a hell of an impression.  A three-piece band, they add an extra edge to their already formidable musicianship with the use of a 12 string guitar or a Dobro.  This gives the band a huge, Zep-epic and individual sound.  They all play with a convincing passion and were absolutely enthralling.  I’d never seen them before, but had caught singer/guitarist Oliver Carins last year doing a solo acoustic set.  Next time, these guys need to be higher up the bill!  Scarfoot also blazed all over the acoustic stage later on, with a similarly massive sounding set, even without the drums.

Frank Williams

Next on the second stage: a World Exclusive Live Debut!  Frank Williams in his first official live gig, though sadly not billed as Victim of Damp.  Frank is a Pentre Fest die hard, an unsung hero who has supported the event and pitched in with Fozzie and Beany from the beginning.  This afternoon, Frank graced us with some acoustic covers (nice bit of Floyd) and banter, then introduced some comrades to help with humorous originals such as ‘Beany’s Car is Full of Shit’.  Excellent crowd participation helped Frank’s set gallop home as a pedigree winner.

Lullaby for a Unicorn

It really wouldn’t be Pentre Fest without these guys.  With a line-up change – or should I say, addition – in the shape of new vocalist, Gaz (who used to be the drummer.  Come on, keep up!).  This latest incarnation of Lullaby for a Unicorn was a refreshed and fun stallion, rather than a lame pony.  There’s a little work to do to settle the new line-up in, but it was the same boisterous energy as ever as the Unicorn boys turned Pentre into a beautiful, rainbow adorned meadow.  Or blood-soaked battle field of metal mayhem, you choose.

Scarfoot was next on the second stage.  I’ve already covered that, go back and read it again.

The Human Condition

Despite a tech issue with the bass throwing a wangler with the first song, The Human Condition kept their shit together and provided another surprise.  I had done no research whatsoever and didn’t know what to expect.  By Odin’s beard, The Human Condition are a megalithic, doom metal colossus!   Doom in the vein of Candlemass, or think Geoff Tate screaming for Trouble.  Riffs are drip fed, leaving the audience begging for each new note.  Add the most powerful live vocals I’ve heard in eons, and you have a force of biblical proportions.  I bought a CD.  You should check them out NOW.

Back to the Second stage for an acoustic Pelugion set – but we’ll get to them later.

Portrayal of Ruinn

A melodic deathcore band from Manchester way, Portrayal of Ruinn isn’t quite my thing on paper, but fucking awesome live.  Possibly the most energetic band on stage at Pentre Fest all day, their combination of gutsy, nasty metal and bouncy, yet ferocious vocals proved a winner.  They also know how to pace their set brilliantly – a few mellow sections lull the crowd into a comfy security blanket, only to have it ripped maliciously away.  It’s the audio equivalent of a Video Nasty psycho killer – you’re never safe, Portrayal of Ruinn will never stop – and they will get you in the end!


Reading back my notes here, and I can’t make a thing out of them.  All I can fathom is that I REALLY liked this band: “Syncolima = great!” is about all I’ve got.  They were excellent.  Some kind of biker/stoner super heavy rock, they have groove aplenty and massive fuzzed out riffs.  This three-piece from Mansfield, Notts were unmissable.  New album “Wavelengths” is out soon, you’d be wise to watch out for it.

Miserable Sinner

Wait a minute – it’s that bloke from Bad Earth doing an acoustic set!  Yes, it’s Steve from one of Pentre Fest’s favourite bands, backed with the other two ‘orrible ‘erberts, Karl and Ben (so semi acoustic, then?).  The Bad Earth songs translate surprisingly well to the stripped-down sound, though they can’t compare to the full force fury of the full trio amped up and going for it.  But then, what could?   A great set that also included some cruel (ie hilarious) comedy signage behind Steve’s head, it also delivered a much needed bongo workout that was otherwise sadly lacking this year.

King Kraken

Mind.  Blown.  Thank the trident of Posiedon, King Kraken travelled up from South Wales (a right old trek) to play Pentre Fest, and I’m so glad they did.  The Kraken are a huge, boisterous metal machine with crushing riffs and awash with an almost psychedelic lead guitar.  My favourite band of the day, despite fierce competition – I made off with some booty from the merch desk and toasted their performance with a tankard of ale.  Please check this band out, you will not regret it.  Magnificent!        


Last year, one man electronica fiend Leatherback was first on the Pentre Fest main stage.  This year, it’s a second stage headlining slot, which worked well.  Nine Inch Nails comparisons are obvious, but relevant when there’s a cover of a Reznor classic included.  Leatherback ripped through a roaring set that went down extremely well with the lively crowd, even though it was freezing outside – receiving a well-deserved, enthusiastic reception.   


Pelugion had performed an excellent acoustic set on the second stage earlier, which seems to have been a great way for them to warm up for their main stage appearance.  I’ve seen these guys before at Pentre Fest and they never disappoint.  Skull smashing mega riffs, born from Sabbath and with a dose of Alice in Chains and early Soundgarden – a stoner/alt metal monster – is what you can expect.  These guys are super professional, but with grit and determination that keeps the performance compelling.

The K*nts

Headliners on the final day of Pentre Fest, The K*nts drove over five hours from down Essex way to entertain us.  With hits such as that Christmas favourite ‘Boris Johnson is a F*cking C*nt’ and ‘F*ck the Tories’, we knew we were in for a treat.  Hilariously, the Green Room reserved for the bands had been double booked with a meeting for a local Masonic Lodge.  I wonder how The K*nts and this bunch of blazer-and-badge wearing eighty-year-olds got along back stage.  Honestly, you can’t make this shit up.  It’s like Phoenix Nights on crack.

A strange choice to headline a metal festival for some, never the less The K*nts put on a top show and had the audience on their side before the first song was even finished.  Delightfully obscene, but with a political edge that helps retain a tiny bit of highbrow cred too, it’s like Sham 69 with Tourette’s.  Most of the song titles are unrepeatable for a family website like Ever Metal, but let’s just say that The K*nts and their filthy brand of punk rock and humour were a mad but genius way to finish Pentre Fest off.  And it probably will be finished off, if those old Masonic dudes have anything to say about it.

Oh, and yeah – Fuck the Tories.

It was my absolute pleasure to cover Pentre Fest for Ever Metal again this year. Huge thanks to the bands, the audience, and the staff at McLean’s for putting this on. And finally, thanks to Fozzy and Beany for daring to dream it up and make it happen.

I just wish Pentre Fest could be every weekend. Or once a month, at least.

Catch up with news at the following pages: N.E.W. Metal ProductionsGoodfor AudioMcLeans Pentre.

Singles Night at the Virtual Hot Tub #29

Yo! Here we are again, tout le monde – a treat for lovers of music on vinyl! That’s right – another Singles Night at Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub, where I play my way through a big ol’ stack of 7″ singles and have a big time knees up whilst I do it.

There are literally dozens of 45 rpm records chez moi: some classic, some crap. I love ’em all. With a few drinkies to ease things along, we’re in for a great evening.

Here’s the latest playlist:

  1. The Mission – “Severina” / “Tomorrow Never Knows”
  2. Joe Fagin – “Back with the Boys Again” / “Get it Right”
  3. Samantha Fox – “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Me Now” / “Dream City”
  4. Samantha Fox – “I Surrender (To the Spirit of the Night”) / “The Best is Yet to Come”
  5. Lacuna Coil – “Our Truth”/ “Without a Reason”
  6. Paul McCartney & The Frog Chorus – ” We All Stand Together” / “We All Stand Together (Humming Version)”
  7. Slade – “7 Year Bitch” / “Leave Them Girls Alone”
  8. Demon – “Wonderland” / “Blackheath”
  9. Sex Pistols – “Silly Thing” / “Who Killed Bambi”
  10. Bad Manners – “Can Can” / “Armchair Disco”
  11. Doctor & The Medics – “Burn” / “Captain Frazer”
  12. 2 in a Room – “Wiggle It” / “Take Me Away”
  13. Slade – “My Oh My” / “Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply”
  14. T’Pau – “China in Your Hand” / “No Sense of Pride”
  15. Belinda Carlisle – “I Get Weak” / “Should I Let You In?”
  16. Madonna – “Crazy for You” / Sammy Hagar – “I’ll Fall in Love Again”
  17. Billy Ocean – “Get Outta My Dreams, Get into My Car” / “Showdown”
  18. Scorpions – “Wind of Change” / “Restless Nights”
  19. Jack Parnell & His Orchestra – “Galloping Home (Theme From Black Beauty” / “Hawaii Five-O”
  20. Then Jericho – “Big Area” / “The Big Sweep”

Wow. From the Sex Pistols to the Frog Chorus – as always, it’s an eclectic night at the Virtual Hot tub on Singles Night! That might not be Paul McCartney’s greatest moment, but to be fair, I loved Rupert the Bear when I was a toddler, so consider me a fan.

Some notes:

The first Sam Fox single is credited as the “Samantha Fox Box”, as it comes in a carboard boxset thing with a poster. The second Sam Fox single is a Limited Edition blue vinyl single, in a gatefold photo pack. Pretty cool, and both from bargain bins.

Also from a bargain bin, the Lacuna Coil single is picture disc – and only cost me £1. Crazy bargain!

Lots of songs I loved in this evening’s playlist: the Pistols easily being my favourite. The worst was that Scorpions song, that was rubbbish.

Variety is the spice of life, and this Singles Night playlist was indeed spicy. Great tracks. More soon!

Singles Night at the Virtual Hot Tub #28

Well it’s been a while, but here we are back at Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub enjoying some 45 rpm tunes. I can promise you another night of varied music spanning the musical genres – some well known, some obscure, some classic, some not so classic.

How does it work? It’s simple: I play my way through my (sometimes bizarre) collection of 7″ vinyl singles – both sides, one after the other. The result is a playlist of tunes and an evening captured in time. Drinking the booze often helps.

Here we go with this playlist:

  1. The Stranglers – “Walk on by” / “Old Codger” / “Tank”
  2. Anti Nowhere League – “Streets of London” / “So What”
  3. Public Image Limited – “Rise” / “Rise (Instrumental)”
  4. Fat Boys – “Wipeout” / “Crushin'”
  5. Creedence Clearwater Revival – “Up Around the Bend” / “Run Through the Jungle”
  6. Nazareth – “Shanghai’d in Shanghai” / “Love, Now You’re Gone”
  7. Nazareth – “This Flight Tonight” / “Called Her Name”
  8. Tiffany – “Could’ve Been” / “The Heart of Love”
  9. The Beach Boys – “Do It Again” / “Wake the World”
  10. The Hollies – “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother” / “‘Cos You Like to Love Me”
  11. Madonna – “Hanky Panky” / “More”
  12. The Beatmasters ft. The Cookie Crew – “”Rok Da House (Remix)” / “Rok Da House”
  13. Fuzzbox – “International Rescue” / “Raining Champagne”
  14. Thin Lizzy – “Rosalie (Cowgirl’s Song)” / “Me and the Boys”
  15. Thin Lizzy – “Whisky in the Jar” / “Black Boys on the Corner”
  16. Diana Ross – “Touch me in the Morning” / “Baby it’s Love”
  17. Diana Ross – “All of My Life” / “A Simple Thing Like Cry”
  18. Dian Ross & Marvin Gaye – “You Are Everything” / “Include Me in Your Life”
  19. Stevie Wonder – “Saturn” / “Ebony Eyes” / “All Day Sucker” / Easy Goin’ Evening (My Mama’s Call)”
  20. Stevie Nicks – “Stop Draggin’ My Heart Around” / “Kind of Woman”

A few notes on the records listed above: firstly, the Fat Boys A side is listed as “featuring The Beach Boys”, so that group have ended up with two mentions in this list, technically.

The Stevie Wonder single is the 7″ EP that originally came with the “Songs in the Key of Life” album. I already owned the album, but not the single, so that’s a great addition to my collection.

Also, the Stevie Nicks single features Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.

A fine evening’s entertainment with that playlist. From the most obscene song in my entire record collection (ANL’s “So What”), covering some punk/new wave classics, hard rock and pop gems – it was a ton of fun. More soon.

Bring Your Own Vinyl Night #18

Bring Your Own Vinyl Night

The Queen’s Head, Mold

Friday 26th August 2022

Three years. It’s been nearly three years since the last Bring Your Own Vinyl Night at the Queen’s Head in Mold, north Wales. The pandemic put this event on hold for quite a while, but finally it was time for a triumphant return to the decks.

Let’s recap the concept: each participant gets a 15 minute slot to play whatever vinyl they like. That’s it. Very simple. And good fun. Have a few beers, chat about music, discover something new to listen to.

Here’s my ;playlist from the night:

Sweet Apple – Wish You Could Stay (A Little Longer)

I wanted to start my set up with this gorgeous, uplifting track by Sweet Apple. J Mascis (of Dinosaur Jr) is in the band, and Mark Lanegan guests on co-vocals. A sublime piece of melodic, alt rock pop. First song on their album “The Golden Age of Glitter”.

The Four Horsemen – Nobody Said It Was Easy

And then on to some early 90’s southern rock, courtesy of the Four Horsemen. This band were signed to Def American and produced by Rick Rubin. If you dig AC/DC tinged Skynyrd and ZZ Top, their wax is worth investing in. I have the album, but this was the 7 inch single version of this song.

Clutch – D.C. Sound Attack!

A stand out track from the “Earth Rocker” album by Clutch, a band I am somewhat obsessed with. I love this song, it’s energetic rock’n’roll with a funky riff – the instrumental is so good I could actually groove to it. D.C. Sound Attack!!!

Social Distortion – Dear Lover

What a band. The opening track from Social D’s “White Light White Heat White Trash” album, this is full of Mike Ness’s heartfelt angst in a pounding, mid paced punk rock’n’roller.

The Beatnix – Stairway to Heaven

The Beatnix are a Beatles cover band. Here, they’ve covered Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway to Heaven” in an early 60’s Beatles style. It’s actually really good and sounds authentic. I think this song raised a few eyebrows, starting off resembling an old Fab Four track but including the unmistakable lyrics. On the other side, there’s an Elvis impersonator called Neil Pepper, covering the same song – a great single, you need a copy.

I had a really enjoyable evening for Vinyl Night, in fact I’m sure everyone did! Thanks to Halcyon Dreams and VOD Music in Mold for hosting and organising everything. Hope to see you all again soon!

The Halcyon Dreams blogspot is here.

The Halcyon Dreams mixcloud page is here.

The Halcyon Dreams Facebook page is here.

The VOD music website is here.

Singles Night at the Virtual Hot tub #27

I promised we’d revisit Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub for another Singles Night, so here we go! Another evening of playing 7 inch singles and having a few cocktails (or beers, or whatever you thirst for). There’s a massive pile of these 45 rpm records to get through, so prepare yourself!

As a quick recap for the uninitiated, I have a stack (or several) of singles that I haven’t played yet. Some have been gifts, some have been picked up – usually very cheaply – from record shops, record fairs, charity shops and carboot sales. The idea is to play through the stack of vinyl one at a time, A side the B side, and enjoy the tunes.

Now I present to you my latest playlist:

  1. Red Hot Chili Peppers – “Taste the Pain” / “Show Me Your Soul”
  2. The Stranglers – “European Female” / “Savage Breast”
  3. The Wee Papa Girl Rappers – “We Rule” / “Rebel Rap”
  4. Salt-n-Pepa – “Shake Your Thang” / “Spinderella’s Not a Fella”
  5. Vanilla Ice – “Ice Ice Baby” / “It’s a Party”
  6. Motley Crue – “Girls, Girls, Girls” / “Sumthin’ for Nothin'”
  7. Neil Pepper (Elvis) – “Stairway to Heaven” / “The Beatnix – “Stairway to Heaven”
  8. Sham 69 – “Hurry Up, Harry” / “No Entry”
  9. Kenny Everett – “Snot Rap” / “Snot Rap (Part 2)”
  10. The Turtles – “Happy Together” / “Like the Seasons”
  11. Aerosmith – “Janie’s Got a Gun” / “Voodoo Medicine Man”
  12. Don Fardon – “Indian Reservation” / “Hudson Bay”
  13. Cerrone – “Je Suis Music” / “Rocket in the Pocket”
  14. Marty Wilde – “It’s Been Nice” / “Bad Boy”
  15. Taja Seville – “Love is Contagious” / “Mama”
  16. B.A. Robertson & Maggie Bell – “Hold Me” / “Spring Greens”
  17. Fiddler’s Dram – “Daytrip to Bangor” / “The Flash Lad”
  18. Bob Geldof – “The Great Song of Indifference” / “Hotel 75”
  19. Gary Shearston – “I Get a Kick Out of You” / “Witnessing”
  20. Mr. Mister – “Kyrie” / “Kyrie (Extended)”

A note on disc number 7 above: Neil Pepper is an Elvis impersonator, and The Beatnix are a Beatles tribute band. On this record, both have covered the Led Zeppelin classic in the style of their inspirations.

The latter half of this playlist started to wander in to some strange, unknown territory – along with featuring some decidedly dodgy songs. A while back, I purchased a box of about 100 singles at a carboot sale for a fiver, quite a lot of which was quality music. Here though, some of the dregs have started to float to the surface.

It’s not all bad though, and there’s a fair spread of awesome tracks scattered through out the list to make it a fun listen. Plus a lot of variety too, from The Crue’s dumb party metal, to classic 60’s pop from the Turtles, 80’s pop with Mr. Mister and some great old school hip hop.

I’m favouring Sham 69 and The Stranglers as particularly fine songs. And of course the Red Hot Chili Peppers, which I bought because although the A side I have on an album, I wanted the B side to add to my collection.

Singles Nights are always a cool way to spend an evening. I’ll update you with another killer playlist soon.

Singles Night at the Virtual Hot Tub #26

Welcome, music lovers! Yes, we’re back at Platinum Al’s Virtual Hot Tub for another leisurely evening of spinning 45 rpm records and drinking a hell of a load of cocktails. It is on, brothers and sisters!

So what’s going down? It’s pretty simple. I have a stack of vinyl singles (hence “Singles Night”) and I’m playin’ ’em in order, side A then B, just for the heck of it. Because it’s fun. And you might just hear some great tunes. No cheating: play each single in the pile, with no skipping (even if it’s a dud).

Here’s the latest playlist. Grab a drink, this is gonna be fun…

  1. Dread Zeppelin – “Stairway to Heaven” / “Jailhouse Rock”
  2. INXS – “Suicide Blonde” / “Everybody Wants U Tonight”
  3. Creedence Clearwater Revival – “Bad Moon Rising” / “Lodi”
  4. Rainbow – “All Night Long” / “Weiss Heim”
  5. AC/DC – “Heatseeker” / “Go Zone”
  6. INXS – “New Sensation” / “Do Wot You Do”
  7. Budgie – “Keeping a Rendezvous” / “Apparatus”
  8. Eagles – “New Kid in Town” / “Victim of Love”
  9. Free – “My Brother Jake” / Only My Soul”
  10. Village People – “In the Navy” / “Manhattan Woman”
  11. Mike Post ft. Larry Carlton – “The Theme from Hill Street Blues” / “Aaron’s Tune”
  12. Sammy Davis Jnr – “What Kind of Fool Am I” / “Gonna Build a Mountain” / “Someone Nice Like You” / “Once in a Lifetime”
  13. Giorgio Moroder w/ Philip Oakey – “Together in Electric Dreams” / “Together in Electric Dreams (Instrumental)”
  14. S’Express – “Superfly Guy” / “Funky Killer”
  15. Sting – “Demolition Man (Soulpower Radio Mix)” / “Demolition Man (Film Version”
  16. Slade – “Far Far Away” / “OK Yesterday Was Yesterday”
  17. Shakatak – “Feels Like the Right Time” / “Corina”
  18. Roy Orbison – “Only the Lonely” / “Here Comes That Song Again”
  19. Earth Wind & Fire – “In the Stone” / “Africano”
  20. Little Eva – “The Loco-Motion” / “He is the Boy”

And were there any duds in this selection? Well, nothing disastrous, though “Hill Street Blues” was a bit of a mood changer.

But just look at the strength of the list over all: some absolute beauties from AC/DC, Free, Rainbow, CCR and double INXS. Plus that Budgie single (which is a really nice 7 inch picture disc, by the way) is totally cool.

Some great pop classics in there, too. Village People and Giorgio Moroder? Floor fillers!

Thanks for joining me for another Singles Night at the Virtual Hot Tub. Let’s do it again soon. In the meantime, keep your media physical and your drinks cool.